Whitecloud Fly

4 ways to save on shipping fees

Updated: Jan 20

1. Packing

2. Creating labels by your own

3. 3PL company

4. Consulting with the shipping professionals

1. Packing

Pack packages with strong boxes and tape. Use the H taping method and use cushioning materials…, etc. If the packages are not packed well and the carrier re-packs them, the carrier will collect an additional handling fee. Also when we ship a package, we do not only weight its’ weight but also we need to calculate its’ dimension weight. When dimension weight is bigger than weight, the shipping fee will be collected by dimension weight. So when we pack our package, we can try to make the extra space of the box we did not need smaller or put more items in the extra space to reduce our shipping fee!

2. Creating labels on your own

Creating shipping labels for your package online will save you shipping fees, compared to having the shipping store do so.

3. 3PL company

Collaborating with a 3PL company can help you compare prices to choose the best carrier for you. This will save you both time and money.

4. Consulting with the shipping professionals

Shipping fees have many details. Give your shipping invoices to professionals to analyze. Shipping professionals can offer you advice on more ways to save fees.

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